How to help kids cope when natural disasters strike

As the tornado and hurricane seasons wreak havoc across the U.S., Save the Children is offering tips on how to help children cope in the face of disaster.

Based on Save the Children’s years of domestic and international experience of coming to the aid of children in emergencies, these tips can be used as a guide for parents to support their loved ones in the event of a crisis.

“Save the Children knows from experience that disasters can cause fear, anxiety and stress in children, which can last long after the initial impact,” Jeanne-Aimee De Marrais, domestic emergencies advisor for Save the Children, said in a statement. “That’s why we have to do everything we can to minimize the emotional effect of such traumatizing events on children and provide the support they need.”

10 tips to help kids cope with disasters:

1. Limit TV time. Watching television reports on disasters can overwhelm younger children who may not understand an event is being replayed and instead think the disaster is happening over and over again. Overexposure to coverage of the events affects teenagers and adults as well.

2. Listen to children carefully. Emotional stress results in part when a child cannot give meaning to dangerous experiences. Begin a dialog to help them gain a basic understanding that is appropriate for their age and responds to their underlying concerns.

3. Give children reassurance. Let them know that if any emergency or crisis should occur, their safety is the primary concern. Make sure they know they are being protected.

4. Be alert for significant changes. Be aware of changes in sleeping patterns, eating habits, concentration, wide emotional swings or frequent physical complaints without apparent illness. They will likely subside within a short time but if prolonged, Save the Children encourages the use of professional support and counseling.

5. Expect the unexpected. As children develop, their intellectual, physical and emotional capacities change. Younger children will depend largely on their parents to interpret events, while older children and teenagers will get information from a variety of sources that may not be as reliable. While teenagers seem to have more adult capacities to recover, they still need extra love, understanding and support to process these events.

6. Give children extra time and attention. They need parents to provide close, personal involvement to comprehend that they are safe and secure. Talk, play and listen to them. Find time to engage in special activities for children of all ages.

7. Parents should be models for their children. Kids will learn how to cope with these events by seeing how adults deal with them. Base the amount of self-disclosure on the age and developmental level of each child. Talk about personal feelings but remember to do so calmly.

8. Parents should watch their own behavior. Make a point of showing sensitivity toward those impacted by the disaster. This is an opportunity to teach children the importance of people helping each other.

9. Help kids return to normal activities. Children almost always benefit from activity, goal orientation and sociability. Ensure that their school environment is also returning to normal patterns and not spending great amounts of time discussing the crisis.

10. Encourage kids to do volunteer work. Helping others can give them a sense of control, security and empathy. In the midst of crisis, adolescents and youth can emerge as active agents of positive change.

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